Proteach: Promoting teachers' success in their induction period

A 3-year project (2016-2019), budget at 990,785 EUR, with partners from Romania, Estonia, UK, and Austria. Proteach is aimed to improve the quality of teacher training highe education in Israel through multilateral stakeholder partnerships in the teacher induction process and amplification of beginning teachers’ voice. The underlying goal is to improve retention rates of beginning teachers in the profession, as well as their contribution to and integration at schools. This is to be done capitalizing on lessons learned in Israel and Europe, and in a way that would also foster and strengthen international working relations and knowledge and staff exchange between Israeli and European induction-focused HEIs.

The specific objectives of the project are, accordingly:

  1. to develop and refine via pilot implementation and evaluation iterations a model and curriculum for teacher training and induction based on on-site teams involving representatives of HEIs, school management and teaching staff, school communities, policymakers and the beginning teachers themselves (the “MIT” model, for Multi-player Induction Teams);
  2. to empower 180 Israeli beginning teachers to play an active role in their induction and capitalize on their unique attributes to serve as agents of change within schools.
  3. to improve teacher retention and motivation at 12 participating Israeli schools.
  4. to align training at a minimum of 12 leading Israeli HEIs as well as governmental and local educational policies with the lessons learned from the implementation of the model developed.


The project has 8 work packages:

  1. Recruitment of staff, stakeholders and participants
  2. Preparation of infra-structure for MIT implementation and evaluation
  3. Preparation of content, methods and activities
  4. Implementation: Models of communication
  5. Implementation: Curriculum, materials, tools & events
  6. Quality planning and monitoring
  7. Dissemination and Exploitation
  8. General management and coordination


The project coordinator is Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and Arts. Beit Berl College is responsible for the WP of “Implementation: Curriculum, materials, tools & events” and is an active partner in all other project WPs.

The project leaders at Beit Berl College: Dr. Orit Dahan, Dr. Rimona Cohen and Belly Ludmir Maram.


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