Ronit Luria, Dr.
Dr. Luria is an attorney and criminologist who specializes in the power relations between victims and offenders in the law enforcement system. She obtained her PhD from the Department of Criminology at Bar-Ilan University. She pursues qualitative research in areas where criminology overlaps with legal aspects. Her teaching fields are: victimology, the theory of penalization, and restorative justice.
Chapters in Peer-Reviewed Books
Luria, R., Ben-David ,S., & Ronel, N. (2014). Positiv victimology: The voice arising from the field. In P. Schafer, & E. Weitekamp (Eds.), Establishing victimology. Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Gerd Ferdinand Kirchhoff (pp. 351-366). Hochschule Niederrhein Fachbereich Sozialwesen Monchengladbach