David Iluz, Prof.
- Head of the Science Unit
- Marine biology
- Photobiology and ecophysiology of algae and corals
- Renewable Energies
- Identification of colorants in archaeological findings
- Flora and fauna of the Land of Israel
- Torah and science
- Bioenergetics of the environment Ecosystem
- Recognition and analysis
- Ecological aspects of soil and water
- The Blue Planet (astronomy)
- Current environmental issues in distance learning
1. Iluz D., Dishon G., Capuzzo E., Meeder E., Astoreca R., Montecino V., Znachor P., Ediger D. and Marra J. (2009) Short-term variability in primary productivity during a wind-driven diatom bloom in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba). Aquatic Microbial Ecology 56: 205-215.
2. Iluz D. and Dubinsky Z. (2015) Coral photobiology: New light on old views. Zoology 118; 71-78.
3. Iluz D. and Abu-Ghosh S. (2016). A novel photobioreactor manages solar energy for a higher light-to-biomass conversion efficiency”. Energy Conversion and Management 126:767-773 C+Rotem+Fratkin”
4. Abu-Ghosh S., Dubinsky Z., Fixler D. and Iluz D. (2016). Flashing light in microalgae biotechnology. Bioresource Technology. 203: 357-363
5. Akkaynak D., Treibitz T., Shlesinger T., Tamir R., Loya Y., and Iluz D. (2017). What is the space of attenuation coefficients in underwater computer vision? Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, p. 1-11.
6. Iluz D., Amar Z., Goldberg M., Merin U. and Katz Y. (2011) Biblical milk taboos and scientific methodology with ancient nomenclature. Natural Resources 2: 240-243.